The Database Doctor
Musing about Databases

Databases are just Loops - Part 2: GROUP BY

In my previous post - I introduced the idea that you can think of database queries as a series of loops. Let me take this ideas even further - introducing more complex database concepts in terms more familiar to computer programmers.

Databases can do this cool thing called "aggregation". You may think of it like GROUP BY. You will have seen queries like this:

SELECT x, SUM(v) AS agg_y

What is going on here? And how can we think of this like a loop?

Aggregate or GROUP BY?

To establish some terminology: You will hear me refer to GROUP BY as "aggregation" in the following passages.

We will call SUM(v) above an "aggregate function" and we will call x a "grouping column". We will refer to the entire loop as the "aggregation loop"

Aggregations are just Loops

Consider again the query from above:

SELECT x, SUM(v) AS agg_y

We can state this as a Python loop:

class Row:
  def __init__(**kwargs):
     for k, v in kwargs:
        setattr(self, key, value)

a: list[Row] = [<some rows>]

output: dict[Any, int] = {}
for a_row in a:
  if a_row.x not in output:
     output[a_row.x] = Row(x=a_row.x, agg_v = 0)
  output[a_row.x].agg_v += a_row.v

Simple to understand:

There is a subtlety here that we can observe once we extend the example to use two grouping columns instead of one:

SELECT x0, x1 SUM(v) AS agg_y
GROUP BY x0, x1

Sketching out the loop again:

output: dict[Any, int] = {}
for a_row in a:
  key = <what goes here?>
  if key not in output:
     output[key] = Row(x0=a_row.x0, x1=a_row.x1,agg_v = 0)
  output[key].agg_v += a_row.v

We are faced with one of the first challenges of relational databases: "what is the meaning of equality?"

Equality - Or why people hate NULL (part 1 of many)

Let us put some data into table a to make it more concrete:

    x1 INT,
    x2 VARCHAR,
    v  INT
VALUES (1, 1)
     , (1, 1)
     , (1, NULL)
     , (2, 2)
     , (NULL, NULL)
     , (NULL, 1) 

How are we to define a key into the dictionary for the combination (x1, x2)?

We could use the Python notion of tuple equality. As a reminder, two tuples in Python are equal:

This happens to be the same definition of equality that aggregation in SQL uses. Because of that, the following will work:

output: dict[tuple[Any, Any], int] = {}
for a_row in a:
  key = (a_row.x0, a_row.x1) 
  if key not in output:
     output[key] = Row(x0=a_row.x0, x1=a_row.x1,agg_v = 0)
  output[key].agg_v += a_row.v

During aggregation, the notion of NULL in a database maps exactly to the notion of None in Python (and nullptr in C++).

Given the above insight, how many rows do you expect this to return:

SELECT L.x0, L.x1
         INNER JOIN a AS R
                    ON L.x0 = R.x0 AND L.x1 = R.x1
GROUP BY L.x0, L.x1

You might have expected this to return the same number of rows as the aggregate query? The (x0, x1) equality function evaluated to itself, via a join, should have exactly the same unique values as if we had not joined.

You would be wrong...

Equality, when evaluated in JOIN operations - is not the same equality as the one used for aggregation / GROUP BY.

It gets worse: yet another comparison function is used for sorting (which is what you get when you say ORDER BY). And don't get me started (yet) on MIN and MAX aggregation and the semantics of SUM and AVG with NULL values.

In 3-value logic (which is what you get when you play with NULL) - you have truth tables like these:

x = yy = 1y = 2y = NULL

When NULL or UNKNOWN (subtle distinction, for now, you don't need to care and we can think of them as the same value) is used as to evaluate a predicate (something that has to evaluate to either true or false) then these mysterious values are treated as FALSE.

This means that the join above only produces the rows where the left and right side of the join have values that are not NULL.

Enough about NULL for now - let the above serve as a warning about what is to come.

Performance - an Introduction to Access Methods

Let us recap. We now have an aggregation algorithm that will work and we generalised it for the case of multiple grouping columns.

To illustrate the next point, I want to use the simplest form of the algorithm, the case of a single grouping column:

output: dict[tuple[Any, Any], int] = {}
for a_row in a:
  key = a_row.x
  if key not in output:
     output[key] = Row(x=a_row.x, agg_v = 0)
  output[key].agg_v += a_row.v

Notice that we are not actually fully done with the aggregation. Whatever node in the query consumes our aggregation may not want to know about our dictionary representation (because Object Orientation, SOLID etc.). We may have to do something like this:

temp_output: dict[tuple[Any, Any], int] = {}
for a_row in a:
  key = a_row.x
  if key not in output:
     temp_output[key] = Row(x=a_row.x, agg_v = 0)
  temp_output[key].agg_v += a_row.v

output = temp_output.values() -- we only need the values

The astute reader will also now observe that several optimisations could be done to the algorithm above. For example, it uses too much memory by storing x twice in the dictionary, for both keys and values.

I made another implicit assumption here: That we would use a Python dictionary to keep track of the unique values we have seen so far. There are other ways to implement aggregation. For example, we could sort the data first:

output: list[tuple[Any, Any]]
prev_x = None
for a_row in sorted(a, key = lambda r : r.x):
    if a_row.x != prev_x:
       # new value observed

       output.append(Row(x=a_row.x, agg_v=0))
    output[-1].agg_v += a_row.v
    prev_x = a_row.x

The algorithm a database will chose to implement an operation (like an aggregate) is often referred to as the "access method" for that operation. It is just a fancy way of saying: Algorithm.

How to databases pick Access Methods?

Databases will intelligently pick between access methods when running the SQL queries you write. There are three major categories of algorithms classically in use (with various refinements over the years):

(That last list bullet was intentionally wordy and vague. We are not yet at the point where we can talk about trees and how database make use of them.)

You might recall the notion of big-O and small-o notation from computer science. The algorithms chosen by the database depends greatly on what the database thinks about the O-complexity of the memory and CPU. It will consider factors like these:

These are deep, computer science types of considerations. Which is why a passion for computational complexity often leads you into the realm of databases!


Today, my ramblings brought us to another important database operation: the aggregation.

We saw how aggregations are just loops. We also started on a longer journey - exploring the ideas of optimising these loops for performance.

Some things to take away from today's visit to The Doctor: