The Database Doctor
Musing about Databases

Making Decent Python Libraries - Part 1

Python has now infected computer science departments and data analysts across the planet. The resulting ecosystem is a mess of libraries - that are often poorly designed out outright harmful.

Recently, I have had to write a few libraries of my own and this has taught me a lot about what makes a good Python library. In this series of blog entries, I will share this knowledge and tell you about the lessons I learned so you don't have to suffer through them.

What is a Python library?

A python library is a self contained piece of code that can either be imported via a prebuilt package or by simply copying the library into your repo.

Why would you ever want to just copy the library? A few reasons:

Package managers are consistently horrible in Python

There is no good package manager in Python. You might expect a package manager to deliver you a specific version of a library that is known to work. Good luck with that! I have used both pip and poetry to manage my dependencies - none of them deliver libraries that are known to work or even build across OSX, Windows and Linux. You are basically in DLL hell all the time.

Since there is no single, agreed upon package manager in Python, you shouldn't force your consumer to use a specific one.

Versioning a library with the code consuming it is often preferable to a Package Manager

When you build and run software, if the source code of a library you need is available to you - it is often preferable to put sources you depend on in a single repo (via a simple file copy or linking). This gives you the following benefits:

  1. You can fix problems in the library yourself and not have to wait for the maintainer to take your Pull Request
  2. The library is always available, even if it is no longer available in a package manager
  3. You can run the entire application without having to rely on any package manager infrastructure being available.

Ad 1) This turns out to be particularly important in the Python ecosystem because most libraries are really poor.

Ad 2,3) See the section on Package Managers above. 3 is extra important on dark sites (that's places without internet access for those who never experienced one). On such sites, you often want to distribute all code needed tol run as a single ZIP file that can be reviewed and validated by the receiver and does not depend on any external infrastructure.

The magic file

In Python, a library (or "package") is a directory which contains a file. This file makes it possible for import statements to find your code. For example:

from mylib.mysublib import Foo

...Says to Python:

In your PYTHONPATH (and in the place you are current running) look for a directory called mylib. If that directory contains a file called, then look for either another directory called mysublib that has an file or a file called In that file, or in that sub library, look for something called Foo - then import Foo from there.

This is an example of "convention over configuration" thinking - a design pattern I approve of. Note the duality of the mysublib: it can be either a file or a sub-library.

You use to tell the world about the interface to your library. It is the thing which is stable, even if you change the internal implementation of the library.

Consider a library called mylib with a class call Bar. The directory structure would look like this:




class Bar:
    def __init__(self):

    def serve(self) -> str:
        return "Beer"

def dilute(alcohol_pct: float) -> float:
    return alcohol_pct * 0.5

Because makes mylib visible, the user could import Bar like this:

from import Bar

But that defeats the point of For example, we might have something inside that is none of the users business (ex: dilute). We need a way to say: "This directory is called mylib and you should only see some of the things inside it"

Exposing your interface in

The point of making libraries is that they are abstractions, which hide complexity. We want to clearly distinguish what is visible and part of the abstraction and what is not. For the C-programmers out there: we want something that is the equivalent of a header file.

To expose a class or function from a library to a consumer of that library, you do this:

file: mylib/

from .bar import Bar

__all__ = ["Bar",]

The __all__ variable is a Python convention that tells Python that Bar can be imported directly from mylib like this:

from mylib import Bar

It also tells Python what will happen if you do this:

from mylib import *

The above is generally considered bad practise in Python, for the same bad reasons that wildcard imports are considered bad practise in Java (i.e. it's perfectly fine - but PyLint will complain because it has stupid defaults).

A few other things to note:

__all__ lists must quote the exposed names

We have:

__all__ = ["Bar",]

Why is "Bar" quoted? The quoting says to Python: There is something called "Bar" in this module - and I am reserving that name for it. It is a bit like doing a forward declaration in a C-header. In the case of C, this was historically done to reduce compile times and make handling of circular dependencies easier. Of course, a modern programming language does not need to care about any of that. In Python, the need to quote a name in __all__ is just a plain old design mistake.

__all__ is a list, with a trailing comma

You typically add a trailing comma to the list in __all__ because it makes it easier to add more names to the list in the future.

When you auto format a file (via direct linting or indirectly via an IDE), a trailing comma makes the linter lay out the list nicely.

For example, let us say you had to add Baz to the list of exposed names. You would do this:

__all__ = ["Bar", "Baz",]

The linter would typically render something like this

__all__ = [
  "Baz", ]

The import uses a local reference

This line:

from .bar import Bar

... Tells Python what Bar actually is. It is super, not-DRY and disgusting. Every other, modern language has the notion of public and private visibility. Python does not.

Instead, we tell Python that Bar is part of the library by combining:

Why do we use a local reference? Some Python programmers would tell you to use a reference that is relative to the root of the repo you are in... or relative to some other root that is assumed to exist. This is nonsense! We want the ability to git mv our library to a different location in the repo and not have to worry about changing every import in is executed on import!

Just when you thought: Surely, this language can't possibly be more insane...

Let's modify to be:


class Bar:
    def __init__(self):
    def serve(self) -> str:
        return "Beer"

def dilute(alcohol_pct: float) -> float:
    return alcohol_pct * 0.5

raise ValueError("Bar's closed, go home")

Write a little test for the library:

import pytest

from mylib import Bar

def test_go_drinking():
    the_bar = Bar()
    assert the_bar.serve()

Don't run this code yet. What do you think is going to happen?

If you guessed: The test will fail with a ValueError, you are correct. If you think that makes any sense in a language which also require you to forward declare objects (remember the double quotes?), I don't know what to tell you!

The file is executed when you import the library. This means that any code that imports is also executed. We just went through this nice dance of declaring names and their implementations separately - for no good reason. Remember, there is no linking in Python, its just script code.

Of course, implementing generally executed code in files like this is generally a bad idea. Encapsulation my friend! Though, you might have little shell scripts inside the library for test purposes - make sure those files don't contain classes you want to expose to the outside world.

One file per class

In Python, a single .py file can contain as many class definition as you like. However, it is generally a bad idea to have multiple classes in one file - at least if those classes are publicly visible in your library.

Why is this?

Files containing private classes should be prefixed with _

Python has a convention that says: "if something starts with an underscore, it is private". it provides an important hint to the consumer of the library. For example, our library might have a class called Moonshine that is internal to the library. We would hide it like this:


It is implied that the consumer of the library should not import directly.

If you are coming from another language, you might expect "privateness" to be fully enforced by the language. That will allow you to reason with confidence about what code can and cannot be executed by outside consumers.

Not the case in Python - the excuse being: "We're all adults here" (but apparently adults who don't understand the notion of friendship)

A file inside the library should never import the library itself

There is enough material in this section for another blog entry, but I want to get you thinking about this.

I want to extend mylib with a Bartender class.

First, we make sure a Bar knows who can works there:


from mylib import Bartender
class Bar:
    def __init__(self):
        self.bartenders: list[Bartender] = []

    def serve(self) -> str:
        return "Beer"

(because we are not animals, we also add a type hint to the self.bartenders list)

We then implement the bartenders themselves:


from mylib import Bar
class Bartender:

    def __init__(self, works_at: Bar):
        self.works_at = works_at

Our looks like this:

from .bar import Bar
from .bartender import Bartender

__all__ = ["Bar",

For anyone who has used any other language supporting object-oriented design, this should be pretty straightforward and non-controversial (Java programmers: please don't say dependency injection).

We write a simple test:

from mylib import Bar, Bartender
def test_bartend():
    the_bar = Bar()
    tom_cruise = Bartender(the_bar)

Without running this, what do you think will happen? Grab a bucket, because you are about to be sick...

This is what happens:

ImportError: cannot import name 'Bartender' from partially initialized module 'mylib' 
(most likely due to a circular import)


Remember that (and anything else you import) is actually executed? When test_bartend() runs, it:

  1. imports Bar and Bartender from mylib
  2. This has the effect of executing mylib/
  3. This then executes (because from .bar import Bar is in
  4. does this: from mylib import Bartender
  5. But needs to from Bar from mylib (because a bartender knows where he works)
  6. That then tries to import Bar from mylib - but Bar is in the process of initialising - and we blow up

A C-programmer might wish for #pragma once or #ifndef to solve this problem. But Python is not C - it just has the annoyances you experience in C, and none of the good solutions that C invented.

Some Python programmers will then tell you that you shouldn't design object hierarchies like these. They are full of shit - and I will show you how you can still do smart things in Python in the next blog entry.


As I previously stated, there is only so much Python I can bear in one day before I feel an urge to self harm.

Today, we learned about the basics of files and established some rules for making them:



In the next part of this series, we will look at how you internally structure files inside the library, particularly how to avoid circular imports while still being able to build proper object graphs.